Thursday, 9 February 2012

The real hot ticket among accelerometers for audio freqeuency measurements is the ACH-01

The ACH-01 device is just about perfect for the job: very wideband response (specified within 3dB from 2Hz to 20kHz), internally buffered for low output impedance,and already housed in a small, rugged, flat package and supplied with a nice, limp shielded cable. And it is very reasonably priced - about $21!  Sensitivity of the device, though slightly on the low side if used without further amplification, is adequate for direct usage with the LAUD hardware, needing nothing more in the way of assembly than to solder the wires to an RCA connector.  At this low price, it also seems to be a natural for use as a motional feedback sensor.
The ACH-01 requires a bias voltage to power its internal FET buffer. When powered from the FIJI card  (or the PRAXIS AudPod) as shown in figure 2 (connected directly to the FIJI's or AudPod's mic input), sensitivity is about 4.7mV/g and signal handling is about 60g(p-p). The ACH-01-03 model comes with a shielded cable and a connector - just cut the connector off at the far end and solder the wires as shown directly into an RCA inline jack. This provides a very simple hookup, relieves the user of the need to be concerned about batteries for the device, and is very well suited for loudspeaker cabinet investigations. This same hookup also works when connected to the MIC input of the Mic/Probe Preamp (for ECHO-based LAUD systems) or to the IMP's mic input.

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